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    Naya Citta Review(s)

    2 Review(s), sorted by :
    Latest Review
    Maria Patricia
    29 November 2022 | Client at Prewedding Photo Wedding

    What a Nice Experience!

    I surfed through Instagram for pre-wedding sessions in Bali and found Naya Citta. Richard is so helpful to support our needs. He is accommodative, he is smart, and doing all the briefs and shoots wholeheartedly. He is starting to join the Bridestory and I wish you all the good things ahead, more success, and more clients to go! I recommend Richard to those who want to get married or pre-wedding. You are in good hands!

    Vendor Reply

    29 November 2022
    Hi Maria, really glad to hear from you. Thank you.
    Dessy  Prastya
    21 November 2022 | Bride at Ricky n Dessy Wedding

    Nice Prewed

    Saya dessy sebagai bride, memakai jasa untuk prewed di pertengahan bulan oktober dengan sangat mendadak. Sampai baju dan konsep pun belom terpikirkan. Lanjut chat mau prewed dan baiknya Richard Amel ini membantu nyariin studio yang bagus ga pasaran tapi murah. Udah gitu mikirin juga konsep fotonya gimana soalnya saya suka bergaya tapi pasangan saya sungguh kaku. Mereka kirim hasil foto juga cepet sampe akhirnya saya keburu utk cetak di kanvas buat di wedding saya. Bener2 thanks buat Richard Amel, kalo kalian gabisa di tanggal yg mepet itu hemmm gatau lagi kayak apa. Mungkin saya dan pasangan gapunya foto prewed. Suksen yaaa kalian berdua ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Vendor Reply

    21 November 2022
    Thank you Des. Congratulations on your marriage ! 🙏


    What is included in your photoshoot package?
    Digital files,  Hi-Res image
    What photography styles do you usually offer?
    Natural,  Vintage,  Journalism,  Black and White,  Portraiture,  Conceptual,  Candid
    What photography styles do you specialize in? (max.3)
    Portraiture,  Conceptual,  Artistic
    What is your speciality?
    Prewedding shoot,  Family shoot,  Studio shoot,  Themed shoot,  Beauty shoot
    What do your services cover?
    Prewedding shoot,  Family shoot,  Studio shoot,  Themed shoot
    Do you provide your services in other cities or countries?
    Jakarta & Bali
    Will you provide all the digital files and/or negatives (or copies of the negatives) to the client?
    Are you available to shoot after hours?
    How do you usually direct the couple during a photoshoot?
    Secara umum, saya meminta pasangan untuk berpose senatural dan senyaman mungkin dengan cara mengarahkan mereka untuk tetap berinteraksi seperti biasa untuk mengambil momen-momen yang dibutuhkan. Dan juga berdiskusi diawal untuk menciptakan suasana yang tidak canggung buat kedua pasangan.
    What rate do you usually charge at?
    Tergantung dengan paket yang dipilih.
    How soon after the event will the proof be ready for review?
    kurang lebih 3-4 hari dihitung dari setelah hari sesi foto berlangsung.
    How long does it take for the client to receive the final product?
    Tergantung kebutuhan klien. Biasanya 2-3 minggu dari final review.
    How far in advance should your client contact you?
    Idealnya 2-3 bulan sebelum hari pernikahan.
    What is your policy on taking breaks? If you require a meal break, is it a requisite for the client to provide your meal?
    Tergantung permintaan klien. Harap diinfokan paling tidak H-1 mengenai ketersediaan makanan.
    What payment systems are available for your business?
    Bank transfer, Credit card payment
    What is your payment terms?
    20% untuk booking schedule, 50% sebelum sesi foto, 30% sebelum file final diberikan.

    Naya Citta by Richard Ndruru

    This vendor's Instagram account is private or has no photos to show.